Hopi Well Project Personnel Profiles



Foundation President: Judith Jubb is an art and cultural historian involved with social political/environmental issues from childhood. She has facilitated the reclamation of ancient sacred sites in Colorado, Washington, California, Hawaii, Egypt, France, and other places. She has worked with noted shamans including Sun Bear in Medicine Wheel Ceremonies. She is a life member of the American Society of Dowsers and has successfully located water wells in WA, CA, and AZ. Her specialty is detecting and working with Earth Energies. Her abilities with subtle energies and water have been tested at Pennsylvania State University. She is president of Metempyrion Foundation.

Vice President & Advisor: William Russell has been a research physicist on the faculty of Pennsylvania State University for 20 years. While in graduate school, he received his first patent through a US Air Force R&D program as a consulting physicist. He has held high level positions in several military and commercial research and development laboratories.

His inventions in electronics and biophysics related fields led to his creation of several companies. As part of his research into the esoteric aspects of quantum physics theory, he trained for 15 years with the native Kahuna masters of Hawaii. As creator and director of Intentronics Inc., he researches and develops experimental devices to enhance mind-matter interactions. Bill has lectured and given presentations on related topics at US Psychotronics Conferences, Ozark Research Institute, Lily Dale Assembly NY, Canadian Society of Dowsers, and ASD.

Secretary Treasurer: Edward Stillman, MS electrical engineering.




Chairman: Edward Stillman, MS electrical engineering.


Dowsing Consultant: Jack Baxter, Verde Valley Dowsers Chapter President 2006, ASD.


New Technologies Consultant: Clayton Smith has a Cal. Tech background and is an independent contractor designing solar homes for 15 years.


Drilling Advisor: Howard Cutter is a Master Ground Water Driller and member of the National Ground Water Association.


Cultural Liaison & Hopi Well Project Contact: Judith Jubb is an art and cultural historian involved with social political/environmental issues.


Third Mesa Hopi Representative:  Leticia Grover, Third Mesa Water Clan Member.