Our Favorite Links

Philanthropic, Scientific, and Environmental Non Profits

Accion International
American Civil Liberties Union
American Indian College Funds
American Indian Educational Foundation

American Solar Energy Society
American Society of Dowsers
Center for Biological Diversity
Consumer Wellness
Coop America

Defenders of Wildlife
Doctors Without Borders
Environmental Defense Fund
International Planned Parenthood Foundation

League of Women Voters
Metempyrion Institute
National Parks Conservation Association
Organic Consumers Association
Physicians for Social Responsibility www.psr.org
Rainforest Alliance
Sierra Club
Solar Living Institute
Students Conserving America

The Archeological Conservancy
The Nature Conservancy
The Wilderness Society
Union of Concerned Scientists
United Nations Association
World Archeology

The number of non profit organizations involved in good works is ever increasing and Metempyrion will continue to make additions to this list. The foundation is aware that some groups not mentioned here are worthy of inclusion.

Metempyrion feels strongly that the future of the human race and all other species is directly related to respecting the environment and resources on planet earth. An understanding of this premise takes priority over any other concerns. It is for this reason that the listed organizations appear. Their effectiveness is on record.

For more information about the teachings and philosophies of the Metempyrion Institute please visit www.metempyrion.org for further insight