Metempyrion Benefactors


(contributing $300 or more either in funding, services or properties)
* Foundation for Sustainability and Innovation
* John F Long Foundation
* The Max and Victoria Dreyfus Foundation, Inc.
* American Society of Dowsers - Water For Humanity, Danville, VT
* Tucson Chapter Dowsers, Tucson, AZ
* Phoenix Chapter Dowsers, Phoenix, AZ
* Subtle Energy Research Institute, Marble, CA
* Charles A. Kirtley Foundation, Tucson, AZ
* Schwab Charitable Fund
Dedrickson Family Trust, AZ
Pat Jubb Ltd. Family Partnership, CO
Lorin R. Dedrickson, USAF Colonel Retired
* Renee Turcotte, Venice, FL
* Richard Tippett
* Jack Baxter
Donald R. Park
* Marge Hefty
* Judith Jubb
Don Mitchell
Marguerite Henderson
* Metempyrion Foundation - Hopi Well Project Committee
anonymous donors
*Contributors to the Hopi Well Project

Total Donations for the Hopi Well Project                 $50,885

Monetary Contributions to Metempyrion Foundation $86,431
Total Cash Contributions                                         $137,316