Project Notice of Purpose


Metempyrion Foundation received IRS 501 (c) (3) tax exempt status EIN 26-0256375 as a non profit public charity, non-membership classification, June 9, 2007, and is licensed with the Arizona Corporation Commission. We have a governing Board of Directors, a charter and bylaws in compliance with all state and federal regulations.


Metempyrion educates about human and environmental conditions that exist in the world at large to stimulate supportive participation in good works. Locating and providing potable water for underprivileged communities, thereby enhancing health and self sufficiency is a major part of our work. We support diversity in belief systems and the rights of all human beings to choose cultural expression and lifestyle.

Metempyrion Foundation is a public charity non profit organization and is funded by individual benefactors and grants. We are neither sponsored nor funded by federal or state government departments or agencies. We are not a chapter of any national organization. Our staff and volunteers are dedicated to our mission.


  • 2007-2014 - Facilitating cooperation between Hopi Tribal members and technical advisors from the Anglo-American community as Cultural Liaison. Reestablishing respect for traditional agrarian societies, and existing Clan systems, by sharing cultural history.
  • 2008-2014 - Seeking grants and contributions to accomplish these and future goals.
  • 1986-2014 - Demonstrations of the affect of Prayers on health and collective consciousness. Lecture tours sharing extended sensory perception and abilities with subtle energies to improve the quality of life.
  • 2005-2011 - Investigating new technologies in alternative energy sources to provide water for a sustainable lifestyle on Hopi Land. Initiating the Hopi Well Project in northern Arizona by seeking under ground water to supply the population in the region.
  • 2005 ongoing ‐ Project to restore the vitality of natural springs, and locate alternative sources of water on Indian Lands. Prayer and organization work is being done to re-establish respect for the traditional agrarian society. Included is an exercise in cooperation among the existing Clan system leaders and with the Anglo-American community.
  • 2004 - Education to bring awareness of draught conditions throughout the world and the southern United States.
  • 1986-2014 - Focus on developing and teaching the effects of Prayer Work on health and collective consciousness. Lecturing on Extended Sensory Perception and abilities to improve the quality of life. American Society of Dowsers.
  • 1986 - World Hunger and returning to grains and vegetables United Nations - UNA USA
  • 1982-84 - Educational work to promote public awareness of the futility of maintaining stockpiles of nuclear weapons of mass destruction; Seattle Women Act for Peace.
  • 1979-81 - Articles and art published in Become magazine, Rama Center, and Life Systems Center in Seattle, WA
  • 1975 - Diet and Cancer research to East West Foundation
  • 1974 - Educational work done to promote public awareness of the effects of radiation waste on American Indian populations in the southwest US.
Currently applying for funding to accomplish these and future goals:
  • Bayou Backer new Plugsly build
  • The identification and reclamation of Sacred Sites

Bequests and Gifts

The METEMPYRION FOUNDATION is an educational foundation with non-profit status. Grants, gifts, and bequests are welcomed. A work-trade program for students is also in effect. Throughout the years donations of time, skills, and resources have made projects possible. The Foundation is deeply grateful for past and current expressions of trust and the generosity of its supporters. For further information please contact the METEMPYRION FOUNDATION.

For further insight into the teachings and philosophies of the Metempyrion Institute please visit